Restaurants, shops and shopping centres, businesses and services, parks, walks and trails, some accommodation.
Links on This Page: Links to Other Pages: Sunninghill Shopping Centres: Shopping Centres in Rivonia: Shopping Centres in Morningside and Area: Shopping Centres in Woodmead: Shopping Centres in Bryanston: Other Shopping Centres in Sandton: Accommodation & Restaurants: Other Shopping Centres: Other Pages of Interest:
This is the world's largest and most detailed web site of shops, restaurants and other businesses serving Sandton and Bryanston! It is an ideal place for you find the shop or business you seek, and to advertise to well-heeled shoppers. Established Monthly Shopping e-NewsletterMegaplex's monthly e-newsletter "Shopping in Sandton" alerts the Sandton and Bryanston shopper to all that is new, fresh, and exciting in the Sandton CBD, Sandown, Sandhurst, Strathavon, Benmore Gardens, Bryanston, Buccleuch, Duxberry, Kelvin, Hurlingham, Morningside, Morningside Manor, Gallo Manor, Parkmore, Paulshof, Petervale, River Club, Rivonia (Edenburg), Sunninghill, Wendywood, and Woodmead! We aim to bring you the best bargains, the most interesting restaurants, the liveliest shops. If it's not good, we'll also warn you about it. Subscribe here. See newsletters here: All Newsletters 2009-date, 2024 January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, 2025 January. Users who e-mail businesses from the site are invited to copy the e-mail to us; in return they are subscribed to the newsletter.Sandton businesses! You can advertise in the newsletter and on this site at very reasonable rates. See this web page or e-mail us to ask. Business e-NewsletterAs a public service to help the businesses listed on this site, from 2017 to 2021 we ran a newsletter, "Doing Business in Sandton". It had internet and other tips and tricks to help your shop or other business grow and prosper. You might also find it useful if you are thinking of starting a small business, or creating an extra stream of income online. View back issues here. Morningside Manor and Gallo ManorKelvin Drive is the central spine of Morningside Manor. It has a shopping centre, Morning Glen, now fully revamped, expanded, and open for business. Facilities include a Post Office, Postnet, Protea Home, Pick 'n Pay supermarket & clothing, Panarottis, Pizza Perfect, three hairdressers, a bottle store, a Clicks Pharmacy, Optician, 3 ATMs (ABSA, FNB, Nedbank), huge Mica hardware shop, battery and tyre repair/replacement, and nearby BP Garage. Directly opposite there are Medical Rooms and another Pharmacy at Manor Medical Centre. The Sandspruit Hiking Trail runs through the suburb and includes Ernest Ullmann Park. The Ernest Ullmann Park Recreation Centre has numerous activities for adults and children. The trail itself is good for walks of up to four hours in peaceful and natural surroundings. There is perennial running water, spectacular rock formations, lawns, indigenous vegetation, willows, wattles, kakiebos and black-jacks. There are geese, ducks, plover, guinea fowl, various ibis, other birds. We once saw a leguan. Dogs are allowed under control or on leads. The Braamfontein Spruit Hiking Trail, where walks of a whole day are possible, is in the next valley.
MorningsideAt the north-eastern end of Morningside on Kelvin Drive abutting Rivonia we have a little shopping centre, Pinnacle Walk (formerly called "90Ί on Rivonia", and before that, the Pavilion). Facilities include Checkers, Checkers Liquor, Steers, FishAways, a water shop, and an Engen Garage. It has free parking. Rivonia Road is the central spine of Morningside. One block away from Kelvin Drive on Rivonia Road opposite Alon Rd is the larger shopping centre, The Wedge, Morningside, containing a many other restaurants, a Woolworths food store, pharmacy/dispensary, Spar, Spar Tops, and Clicks. It has unlimited free parking and was revamped in 2017 The original Morningside Shopping Centre on Rivonia Road corner Outspan Road was redeveloped at a cost of R300 million and opened on 11 June 2009. Though it has retained its original name, this mall has gone seriously up-market and is many times the size of its modest former self, boasting over 70 shops including Exclusive Books, Pick 'n Pay, and a Pharmacy. There are umpteen up-market boutiques, Pick n Pay and Woolworths Food Market. The centre also boasts many restaurants such as Signature, the famous Tasha's, Pomodoro and Green Peppercorn. It has plenty of parking, free for one hour. At the south-eastern end of Morningside there is the Morning View shopping centre and Montrose Nursery Garden Centre and Gia's Coffee Shop, both located in South Road. At the western end of South Road, on Rivonia Road, there is the small Sandton Court Shopping Centre. For Morningside shops and businesses not in any listed centre, look here. Also see Restaurant reviews for Morningside. The Morningside Virgin Active Club and gym is on Rivonia Road corner Centre Rd. StrathavonA bit south of Morningside, abutting the CBD, is Grayston Shopping Centre on Grayston Drive corner Helen Road. A small local centre with exorbitant parking charges, it has a small supermarket, many restaurants, several hairdressers, a bottle store, and a number of medical facilities. Rivonia (Edenburg)Known to most people (and the Post Office) as Rivonia, the township of Edenburg is located in the North of Sandton, Johannesburg, stretching from Morningside (First Avenue) north to the N3 highway, centred on Rivonia Road and the adjacent Rivonia Boulevard. It lies between the Braamfontein Spruit and the Sandspruit: The name "Rivonia" is thought to be derived from the fact that it is located between two rivers. You can run, cycle, and walk on the Braamfontein Spruit Trail (accessible down 12th Avenue and Bryanston Drive) and the Sandspruit Trail (partly accessible down Eighth Avenue). Rivonia Boulevard between 8th and 10th Avenues is the business hub of the area, with a wide array of restaurants (see Restaurant list here, read Restaurant Reviews here), supermarkets, clubs, banks, shopping centres (e.g. Rivonia Junction, Rivonia Central, Mutual Mews, Early Dawn, Rivonia Village) and other shops in Central Rivonia and Northern Rivonia. The local Veterinarian is Rivonia Village Veterinary Clinic, corner 8th Avenue and Stiglingh Road. For fitness fanatics, the Morningside Country Club is close by, as is a private gym on Rivonia Road corner North Road, and the Fit24 in Rivonia Village. Also see Restaurant reviews for Rivonia and Sunninghill. SunninghillThis suburb lies to the north of Rivonia, Witkoppen Road, and the N1 Highway. It is well-served with shopping centres, and we have all those we know about listed: Chilli Lane Shopping Centre with its smaller companion Chilli on Top Centre in the new northern extension of Rivonia Road, and Sunninghill Village Shopping Centre on Maxwell Drive on the east. In the north there is Sunhill Shopping Centre, Cnr Tana and Naivasha Roads. Towards the south we have The Square Shopping Centre, cor Naivasha and Leeukop Roads. Rivonia Crossing 1 was added to the site in June 2012, with Rivonia Crossing 2 (actually in Paulshof) following in March 2013, and The Core in April 2014.
WoodmeadThe nearest really huge shopping complex to Morningside and Rivonia is in Woodmead next to where the M1 Motorway meets the N1 (the famous Buccleuch Interchange). Shops not in any particular centre, and a map giving the location of the centres, can be found here: Shops and Shopping in Woodmead. Here we have the Makro, the established Woodmead Value Mart, Woodmead Commercial Park, Woodmead Super Value Centre, Woodmead Square and the new Woodmead Retail Park, all on Waterval Crescent off Woodmead Drive. In The Woodlands Office Park Lifestyle Centre there is a gym, medical facilities, coffee shop, printing and dry cleaning. See Other Shops in Woodmead here. Across Woodmead Drive from the above, the original village shopping centre for locals, Dunwoody Centre, will be found. This houses the celebrated Baron and Quail Restaurant, two less notable eateries, a pharmacy, barber, home industry and others. WendywoodThere is only one shopping centre in Wendywood, tucked away on Daphne Road between Wendy and Darwin Roads, just off Western Service Road. It is a small neighbourhood centre with , hairdressers, optometrist, dry cleaners and drapers, butchery, and an Adult shop. It is, not surprisingly, named Wendywood Shopping Centre. There is a municipal clinic nearby (see Wendywood Shopping Centre page). Kelvin and BuccleuchThere is one shopping centre each in Kelvin and Buccleuch. We have a web page for Kelvin Village Shopping Centre, Cnr Southway and Raymond Street, Kelvin and another for The Bridge Shopping Centre, Buccleuch Drive, Buccleuch. Petervale & PaulshofThere is only one shopping centre in Petervale, just south of the N1 Freeway, off Cambridge Road. It is a small neighbourhood centre with a delicatessen, hairdressers, dry cleaners, butchery, bottle store and pub. It is named Petervale Shopping Centre (why not?). There is a municipal clinic nearby (see Petervale Shopping Centre page). Paulshof has two shopping centres, Cambridge Crossing and Rivonia Crossing 2 (next to Sunninghill), both just north of Witkoppen Road. Despite the name, Cambridge Crossing is not, in fact located on Cambridge Road where it crosses Witkoppen Road and the N1 Motorway, but one block east. Benmore GardensJust up the road from Sandton City, Sandton Square, Sandton Convention Centre and Nelson Mandela Square, Benmore Gardens Shopping Centre represents a refreshing, accessible alternative to the conventional shopping mall experience. With 66 shops, service outlets and restaurants, Benmore Gardens offers a rich diversity and has been completely refurbished fairly recently at a cost of R200 Million. Parkmore, River Club and Duxberry11th Avenue Parkmore is a commercial spine with many businesses, some small shops and restaurants. Parkmore has a small shopping centre and a filling station at 11th Avenue and Olympia Street (Parkmore Mews). River Club has a tiny shopping centre (now listed here), which also serves Duxberry. Parkmore is home to Sandton's largest and best-developed park, the Field and Study Centre, which also provides access to the best and longest river trail, the Braamfontein Spruit Hiking Trail. The park has a recreation hall with many activities, and a tea room, the River Cafe Sandton. Hurlingham ManorIn between Parkmore, Hurlingham Manor, and Bryanston, is the Hurlingham Pick 'n Pay Centre on William Nicol Drive opposite the end of Republic Road. This has an extensive supermarket, bakery, coffee shop / light restaurant, and a number of smaller speciality shops. BryanstonBryanston Shopping Centre is the original shopping centre in Bryanston, just off William Nicol, in Ballyclare Drive, Bryanston. It is a medium-sized centre with two supermarkets, hairdressers, dry cleaners, and innumerable dress shops. The old Hobart Corner has been greatly expanded into the new Hobart Grove Centre (opened April 2011) and now rivals Bryanston Shopping Centre for size and number of shops. The anchor tenant is a Superspar with Spar Tops bottle store. Coachman's Crossing on Peter Place is a well-established local centre with several restaurants. Just north of it on Main Road is Cramerview Village with a garage and several restaurants. Recently revamped (mid-2015), Riverside Shopping Centre on Bryanston Drive is a small local shopping centre with a good spread of shops and restaurants, a must for lovers of chocolate cake and good fruit and veg. At the other end of Bryanston, Bryanpark Shopping Centre, Grosvenor Road corner Cumberland Avenue, is small regional centre with two supermarkets, a good range of shops, a gym, and all ATMs. Grosvenor Crossing is tenanted again after an extensive revamp in 2012. The huge Nicolway Bryanston centre opened April 2012. This site now covers the following minor shopping centres in Bryanston: Sloane Square and Epsom Downs (both in Sloane Street corner William Nicol Drive), "Naturally Yours Wellness Centre" on Main Road corner Culross Road, and Thatchers Corner, 90 Main Road corner Witkoppen Road. Other Facilities and InformationThe nearest cinemas ("movies" if you're American, "bioscope" if you're traditional) to Woodmead, Morningside and Rivonia are at Sandton City. There are also cinemas, theatres and a casino at Montecasino, the sprawling designer ruins on Witkoppen Road corner William Nicol highway north of the N3 freeway. This is nearest to Sunninghill, Petervale, Paulshof and Bryanston. Slightly further away, there are also cinemas at Cedar Square on Cedar Ave, Fourways. There is a small theatre (The Theatre on the Square) in Nelson Mandela Square in the Sandton CBD. The Barnyard Theatres in Rivonia Crossing Phase 2 (Paulshof) and Broadacres Centre, Cedar Road sadly closed permanently due to the pandemic. Also see Culture: Books, Theatre, Movies and more and Restaurant reviews for the Rest of Sandton. Baptism drownings in the Jukskei River or the Sandspruit? An urban Myth Debunked!. Transport: To get to the area from OR Tambo International Airport (Johannesburg International), catch the Magic Bus or the Gautrain and a feeder bus. From central Johannesburg, unless you have a car, catch a minibus-taxi from Central Johannesburg to Morningside, Sandton. From 7 June 2012 you can catch the Gautrain from central Johannesburg (Park Station) to Sandton, and then take a Gautrain bus to your destination. Other Shopping Centres:Because it has one of the few clinics in the area where you can donate blood, in July 2014 we listed The Colony, Craighall Park, Northern Johannesburg. Your other blood donor centre, more convenient for those in the north, is now in Design and Decor Centre (near Molly Malones), Forest Road and Sunset Ave, Pineslopes, Sandton: Tel 011 465 6441 (a centre not listed on this site). Useful ContactsThese are not in a specific centre in the area, but we've found them useful to know about:
More Links to Pages on this SiteBest Way to eat a Mango, Sandspruit Hiking Trail, Ernest Ullmann Park Recreation Centre, All our Rooms (1 possibly To Let July 2024), Cottage possibly To Let end-2024 (details and photos), PAIA Section 51 Manual (boring!)
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